07 August 2013

Tivo's Design Principles (ala 1998)

These are the original design principles that the team behind Tivo used back in 1998 to make the experience of using their product joyful and fun.

For some background to these principles, read The PVRBlog Interview: Ten Questions with TiVo's Director of User Experience, Margret Schmidt.

Also check out Tivo's revised Design Principles.

Source: Henk Wijnholds - Design principles to choose the right ideas

1. It’s entertainment, stupid

2. It's TV, stupid

3. It's video, damnit

4. Everything is smooth and gentle

5. No modality or deep hierarchy

6. Respect the viewers privacy

7. It's a robust appliance, like a TV


  • Organization
  • Big companies
  • Product Design

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