06 December 2013

Voice User Interface Principles

With the rise of more advanced Voice User Interfaces (VUI's) such as Siri on iOS and Voice Search on Google there's definitely a need for good design principles. Here's 6 principles, developed by Stephen Gay at Intuit.

Source: Mobile Voice 2012 at Slideshare

The principles

  1. Get to know each other

    Introduce yourself and establish communication preferences.

  2. Be approachable

    Make it easy for users to start the conversation at any time.

  3. Listen closely

    Show that you're listening, through both words and actions.

  4. Mind your manners

    Be responsive and socially sensitive in your interactions.

  5. Talk like a native

    Convey meaning by what you say and how you say it.

  6. Adapt your speaking style

    Anticipate what kind of conversation will suit the situation.

1. Get to know each other

Introduce yourself and establish communication preferences.

2. Be approachable

Make it easy for users to start the conversation at any time.

3. Listen closely

Show that you're listening, through both words and actions.

4. Mind your manners

Be responsive and socially sensitive in your interactions.

5. Talk like a native

Convey meaning by what you say and how you say it.

6. Adapt your speaking style

Anticipate what kind of conversation will suit the situation.


  • Voice UI
  • Inclusive design

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